Must eat

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yesterday after school, my older daughter Kate ate an avocado for a snack. She cut the avocado in half, sprinkled on a little salt, and ate the whole thing with a spoon.

I'm telling you this only because an avocado is not Kate's usual snack of choice. It's not her brother Holt's, either, but he thought it sounded good and had one as well. Watching them with their avocados reminded me of this article from the Huffington Post about the 25 foods we all must eat in our lifetimes. Usually articles about things I should do or places I should go serve only to make me feel bad, knowing it's unlikely I will do or see many of them.

But I was intrigued by the foods someone thought I should eat, including lobster rolls (most definitely), freshly made whipped cream (yes), and lardo, an Italian cured back fat (probably not). Number 22 on the list is avocado sprinkled with salt (and a bit of lime juice), eaten with a spoon. So we're on our way, or at least two of us are.


  1. Avocados are a staple in our home…we all love them…I discovered that if you buy them when they are hard and green and put them in the refrigerator they will ripen slowly and you won't end up throwing out bad ones. When we used to buy them and put them in a bowl on the counter they ripened and spoiled quickly…of course if you want them to ripen fast leave them on the counter….


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